Saturday, January 8, 2011

Atomic Warriors

GENERAL, CURTIS "iron pants" LeMAY ,USAF General LeMay took the United States Air Force into the future from prop driven aircraft to supersonic jet bombers, Known for his brash attitude he was quoted as saying he would like to" Nuke The Soviet Union Back To The Stone Age"
and if asked would of gladly did so, He perfected the use of NAPALM in the end days of World War Two By Creating the biggest Firestorm of the war on Tokyo. Targets like Factories became scarce since the Japanese hid their factories among their living areas So he sent hundreds of aircraft in and Firebombed the City of Tokyo killing over One Hundred Thousand Civilians and then compilied a list of Japans 20 most populated cities and went down the list flying in low and dropping the then new formula of jellied Gasoline on the wooden ,bamboo cities these attacks killed thousands more, The initial Attack on Tokyo killed more people than both Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and is considered the deadliest bombing in World War Two. Later Estimates put the toll at 220,000 His Creativness would have gone unmatched had he had the chance to use the weapons at his disposal  as the General of The Strategic Air Command, He was all in favor of a Pre-Emptive Strike on the Soviet Union Claiming they will soon attack us and claimed the Cuban Missile Crisis was the United States Greatest Military Defeat, Since his Advocacy to hit Cuba first was not the tactic the Kennedy White House went with, He was part of a lot of historical missions that advanced his rank while serving in the military,One was the Berlin Airdrop that fed starving germans at the end of World War Two as Russia blockaded the city, and held many Flying Records for Distance and Speed. His tactic using the Box Formation for optimum gun coverage on Flying Fortresses that were bombing german Industrial targets saved many air crews he also flew missions over Germany during World War Two and earned the nickname of "bombs away LeMay" his Brutal Attitude was famous as he threatened to court martial any bomber crew that aborted a mission and swore he would be in the lead bomber on these missions, the rate of aborted bomb runs fell off drastically. One story has the General approaching a Heavily fueled B-47 with his trademark cigar lit, When a guard suggested his cigar may cause the fuel to ignite and jet to explode he replied "It wouldn't dare"

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